
I am passionate about helping women to start focusing on their own needs after years of putting everyone and everything else first. I was blessed to grow up in a household where sport and physical activity were actively encouraged and this love of being fit and active has been a lifelong pursuit of mine.

Tracy Byrne

There was a point in my mid-30s when I had just moved overseas with 3 young children, when I felt overwhelmed and lacking in direction.  Through a series of very fortunate events, I ended up joining a local gym (primarily because it offered free babysitting!), meeting a fantastic personal trainer and starting weekly sessions with him.

Those weekly sessions lasted for 8 years until we moved back to Ireland.   They were responsible for a fundamental change in my attitudes to both my physical and emotional health.  The friendships forged and the strength gained have led me here today. If you can relate to my story, if you have been prioritising everyone else ahead of yourself, then you have come to the right place.  I truly understand your needs and how to ensure that you can find space to not just exercise but to rediscover your sense of self.  Burnzone is a warm and inviting community offering a variety of classes with a strong emphasis on form and technique but most importantly of all, it is a place where fun is actively encouraged.

You will be surrounded by like minded women in a non judgemental environment where you are supported 100%. I love sharing my enthusiasm for health and fitness and teaching my clients how to train effectively to ensure they give themselves every chance to live long and healthy lives.

I love emphasising the importance of balance in all they do and in finding joy each and every day.

The Four Pillars Of Burnzone

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It is a mission of mine to offer my clients a safe, welcoming and supporting environment.


I have been where many women are now, struggling to meet the balance of their lives.


I have created a community which emphasises fun and where true bonds of friendships are formed.


I give expert advice on form and technique in my classes, which are specifically tailored to all abilities.

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